
Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Tour of our House

Here's a quick look at we're living for now. Luke and my dad spent three days looking at every available rental in Venice and the surrounding area. Here's what they came up with! I think they did a good job. We really like this house and are happy to be living here for the next year!

A view from the street.

Here's what you see when you walk in the front door. (Remember this shot -- master bedroom and garage are to the right. Kids' bedrooms are to the left.)

And here's a view looking back at the front door.

Kitchen.....obviously. : )

Noah's room.

Hallway from Noah's room to the girls' room.

Julia and Abby's room. The previous tenants had painted it pink already!

Walk back across the living room to get to our room.

The patio is off the kitchen. You can also see our little garden. More to follow on that!

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